วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 4 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2557


Each package is different in volume and revenue potential. Options depending on the package and you will determine the amount of income you received on your abilities. 

This is the main package UFUN club and a package that is right for you like "shopping".

Example 1: If you choose one, Stars USD500. 
  You will get 7 account and only one account receivables, and 6, and can be used at any time. Package registration will allow you to spend 100% free in the package price UFUN Store (at the point 500 = price of 500USD) inventories of finished (S PT) 100% of the package. a (500) and U point 200 (calculated in utoken) that allows you to sit down to money. See Example utoken

For example, if you select one of the stars with U Token Package USD500, you will get 7 account and only one account is active and the remaining 6 can be used at any time. For this package, the point P is empty, S at 100% of the package price to 500 (discount rate) and an increase of 200 PP point making your point 400.

The only package that focuses on the units U (U point) because only the U mementukan utoken your members to use products that do not have to use the product, or you can change the product to utoken meaning .. yeah right .. you point to be transferred to the product .. which is 40% of the package .. like .. utoken package is USD500, 200, right? Add another 40% to 200 .. so 400 as utoken you become a new member or a long time to get this opportunity. If you can not change the first product to use utoken your point.

Example 3: For a five star capitalizing USD150,000 VVIP package and you will receive a 7 3 account, your account will be active while accounting for four VVIP package is compatible with most packages. Choosing this package entitles you to 1 star Chalet in Marina Resort Bangkok (home resort - a view of the resort below), 150,000 (items stored in UFAN) S. May. point and 50,000 U points (calculated in utoken) utoken .. See examples. (Agreement is a contract made ​​by the Company).

Create a monthly income as well (CTO) Utoken earnings and three stars for the package Utoken.

Money will only be happy for packages up to 3 stars, which is the seventh book will enable you to earn additional income each month (1% of the profits of the Company). 

Here is an example of a package of three stars with a capital U Token from USD5000.

The picture above shows details of your account with just one account for only 6 accounts activated and you can activate your own time is up to you. 
By activating your account for seven of the eligible pool or bonus (CTO) of the income you will receive each month throughout the business. Please see below

Contoh Pengiraan World Pool Bonus :

Corporate profits (Jan) USD20,000,000. 
1% of the profits USD20,000,000 x 1% = USD200,000. 
   Suppose CTO January 50 to qualify. 
Bonus CTO (John) USD200,000 ÷ 50 = USD4,000. 
Bonus that you get in January USD4,000. 

Profits of the Company (February) USD30,000,000. 
1% of the profits USD30,000,000 x 1% = USD300,000. 
Suppose there are 100 properties on Feb CTO of means. 
Bonus CTO (February) USD300,000 ÷ 100 = USD3,000. 
Bonus you received on January USD3,000.

CTO bonus you get each month if you are able to activate your account before seven. however only 3 stars and up can enjoy the bonus package is .. After calculating the bonus package utoken U Token. three stars

Why do I say that this investment is not at risk.

I) the participants can utoken SPLIT and profitability on the market. 
II) were S. Point with redem and use to get discounts on products UFUN storage cheaper and more cost effective. 
III) has been a point P 100% free shopping at UFUN store in your package price. 
IV) VVIP package is offered by the property UFUN. 

Still doubt and fear to join the losing cause .. How about Linux Puri Holdings Berhad is one of the giants of the listed building and now KLIA2, MRT and large projects can trust and work with UFUN. groups in the Marina Nana Thailang which took three years to complete. They should have lost to more formidable if UFUN the bankruptcy. 

UFUN even store has been internationally recognized as. "Enterprenuer Asia Pacific Excellence Awards 2013" and the prime minister has admitted. And cooperation with Sagajuta Sdn Bhd, Mah Sing Group and the Jacksons. 

They should be scared and worried if UFUN group suffered losses or bankruptcy, it will affect the image and mecemarkan next to their work.

No opportunity for DILIHAT..TETAPI Grab the opportunity to

Choice in your hands .. it's up to you whether to start with small capital or large. First think carefully and act wisely. 

Please remember that any business venture, you want it to be as it is a little or a lot. And remember that price is not a big problem. But the problem, or whether it will return to us. By participating in this business you can generate 4-5 figures a month because I enjoy it. 

There is an element of force, fraud or coercion here, and you have to know that not everyone knows that the only people that would like to take this opportunity often achieved only May, p. 
This University of Manchester 

I was with a short description and the information provided will be of great benefit to you. May your heart and open your mind to help you to produce some bold move to the capital, along with the richest club in UFUN. 

"It's a great opportunity to tiba..datang future uncertain period of time .. we are in difficulty or distress. 

The opportunity to be clever Seizing the opportunity, because it is a big opportunity may pass it. 

Do not make a thousand excuses for not seize the opportunity. "

Registration of UFUN 

Package 5 stars VVIP 150,000USD, please contact us for Appoitment and you must be present to sign the first contract star Chalet in Marina Resort Bangkok. 

For questions and inquiries, registration assistance package 1 stars - five stars you can contact us.

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วันพุธที่ 3 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2557


Pernah anda dengar tentang UTOKEN? 



Kenapa UTOKEN dan bukan mata wang...??? Dsinilah letaknya kepentingan Utoken yang akan menjadi matawang digital utama di Asia dan dunia akibat kemasukan pelabur besar China, Korea dan Jepun bahkan Ufungroup telah joinventure dengan 3 buah bank asia menambah keyakinan para pelabur besar asia.

Diramalkan dalam masa setahun akan datang, nilai seunit Utoken boleh mencapai harga usd 2 hingga usd 4 ( RM 6.40-RM 12.80), Dato Warren yang digelar sebagai money master, meramalkan 1 Utoken boleh bernilai usd 100 ( RM 320) dalam masa 3 tahun dari sekarang terutamanya melalui kewujudan sistem Ubartertrade. Bangunan pejabat Ubarterade yang dibeli dengan nilai RM4.2 Juta di Kuala Lumpur telah mula beroperasi pada 29 April 2014 yang lalu.

Ini bermakna telah wujud satu sistem BARTER TRADE seumpama e-bay di Asia

Apa Itu UTOKEN ?

UTOKEN adalah DIGITAL TOKEN yang diterbitkan (Issued By) UTOKEN RESERVE LTD.


UTOKEN adalah 

📌 "DIGITAL TOKEN" yang diterbitkan untuk kegunaan/kemudahan "online and offline marketing needs". 
UTOKEN adalah

📌"bartertrade medium" atau dalam erti kata yang lebih mudah difahami, UTOKEN adalah perantaraan (medium) yang punya NILAI dalam TUKARAN BARTER.

 UTOKEN juga adalah

📌 "DIGITAL TOKEN PERTAMA DI DUNIA yang MEMPUNYAI NILAI" yang disandarkan kepada MATAWANG dalam bentuk RIZAB MATAWANG (currency reserve value) di BANK. 

Ini yang membezakan UTOKEN dengan lain-lain "Online tokens @ coins" yang sedia ada. Kerana setiap UNIT UTOKEN yang "diterbitkan" ke "pasaran" punya nilai RIZAB dan nilai PASARAN yang bergantung kepada sentimen "permintaan" dan "penawaran" terhadap UTOKEN yang berlaku 24 jam sehari, di serata DUNIA.

Rizab bagi UTOKEN juga di"pantau" dan di"selia" (regulate) oleh 3 Bank (B.D.G, UDBP, NICO FINANCIAL) yang telah diamanahkan oleh syarikat untuk memastikan:-

📌 SETIAP UNIT UTOKEN yang anda miliki TIDAK TERJEJAS diakibatkan oleh SPEKULASI atau MANIPULASI pasaran yang melampau @ "heavy speculation" (samada pada masakini @ masa akan datang).
📌 SETIAP UNIT UTOKEN punya NILAI yang KUKUH dalam pasaran "online" @ "offline".

Untuk memastikan kegunaan dan nilai setiap UNIT UTOKEN mampu MENEPATI garis panduan yang telah disediakan oleh Institusi-institusi kewangan di dunia. Ini juga di antara sebab utama kenapa

📌 UTOKEN RESERVED LTD menggunakan GARIS PANDUAN BASEL yang telah diterbitkan oleh BCBS (Basel Comittee On Banking Supervision) ...  Untuk MEMASTIKAN LAMBAKAN UTOKEN kedalam PASARAN tidak terjejas dan terus meningkat pada masa akan datang.

Ufun menyediakan Platfrom & Perunding Markerting secara Global secara (Business Online) melalui www.Ubartertrade.com

Konsep 3 dlm 1
Merchant to merchant
Online to offline
Memperolehi keuntungan melalui urusniaga Jual beli product online serta pemasaran secara global

Apakah UBarter :-

📌Ia adalah satu platform ubartrade sesama ahli untuk bertukar barang yang membolehkan anda untuk berdagang product dan perkhidmatan anda.

📌 "medium" atau pertukaran matawang didlm UBARTER adalah menggunakan U TOKEN.

📌mengapa mesti menunggu keajaiban jika anda boleh menyertai platform ini dan memperkenalkan product anda dgn konsep jualan segera.

📌Anda akan dapat pengalaman manfaat sepenuhnya perdagangan UToken anda dengan kami dan ianya dapat meningkatkan jualan anda.Konsep UBARTER juga adalah platform penjualan barangan dan perkhidmatan yang dapat mengurangkan perbelanjaan tunai anda.

Google e-currancy yg sewaktu dgn utoken iaitu BITCOIN dilancarkan 5 tahun dulu dgn harga usd 0.10 kini harganya mencecah usd500.00. Fikir2kan.

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